Thursday, October 2, 2014

Caliberhitter (Felix Pantaleon) Bio

Hello my name is Felix (Caliberhitter) Pantaleon. I get off by stalking,Harrassing and Caliberhitting peoples assholes. I am a con artist,Bullshitter and liar. If you disagree with me then I will send a imaginary group of thugs to your house to deal with you in real time. I can dox people with using their I.P addresses. I will set up many sock accounts to make you famous online. I will call your house,Friends houses and family members houses and make death threats and impersonate police. I will make sock accounts of your family. I will harass anyone who is connected to you. Do not disagree with me. I will side myself with child stalkers and pedophiles. I will send porn to your family members. I will rage 24-7 online if you ignore me. I will claim the Earf is flat. I will also claim the air above the ozone is to thin. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks and Mark Dice is River Phoenix and many more fail cons I can come up with. I am a attention whore. I will do anything to attract attention. I do not have a life as I am always online stalking,Threatening and sending porn to children. I have fail doxed many individuals on YouTube and Twitter.  The truth is, I live with my daddy and my mommy. They pay my bills. My father makes hats all day long just so I can spend all day stalking people online and trying to figure out who's life I can ruin today. I have Bi Polar Disorder,Bi Sexual Tendency's, Bi Penis, Small Penis Disorder and I am currently suffering from Alcohol Fetal brain disorder from birth. When I talk, I sound retarded and slow.
Yes it is true, I suffer from a range of illnesses. That does not stop me from making people famous. I have attacked many innocent people online. I do not care and think I should not be held accountable for my actions.
I have broke many laws. I do not think I am responsible for anyone who has been hurt or attacked for no reason.
I am obsessed with Forrest Courtney Jamison and his friends. I am obsessed with Alex Jones and many people who have a following as I do not. I often rage in jealousy because I am not given attention as all of the above people get. I am upset because my life sucks and I do not face the facts about myself. The fact that I am a liar,loser and criminal. When I cannot compete, I resort to threats,slander and release of personal information.
I rage when people say I am a homophobic retard because I know it is true. I rage when anyone addresses me because 9 times out of 10, They are correct in their assumptions. I often fake saying I am Sicilian because I am ashamed of my real cultural background. I am ashamed of myself because in real life, I have no friends. Women diss me unless I pay them to hang out with me. My own friend Siciliano King distances himself from me because he knows I am mental. So I have to create accounts with him in it to make it appear as we are tight. We are not close friends. I lie to everyone. I lie to myself. Bottom Line : I Felix Pantaleon out of NY,NY is a LOSER!
